Project Work Packages Info
Electrical Engineering and Energy study practices analysis and in-depth needs assessment in Partner Albanian HEIs
The overall aim of this WP is to assess the current market needs in Albania in the field of energy and assess current academic offer at each partner HEI. Additionally, Preparation WP aims at mapping the existing VET curricula and bachelor in Program Countries which after will be used as a reference point for the development of the new curricula and update the existing study programs. The assessment of the academic offer at Partner HEIs will be done through problem and job/content analysis, and to define the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies for engineers in the sector in terms of learning outcomes.
Deliverables: [IT1]
1.1. Research Assessment on Educational Programs related to ENGINE Project in Albanian Partner HEIs
1.2. Development of questionnaire and interviews with relevant stakeholders and creation of the competence matrix.
1.3. Report on the best practices in Program HEIs and global trends.
1.4. Job/domain analysis and development of guidelines for learning outcomes for VET and bachelor new and updated study programs.
Syllabi and course content development
The overall aim of this WP is to design syllabi, course content and assessment for new higher VET degrees and updated bachelor programs in renewable energies education to meet the user needs and to the learning outcomes defined in WP1. The content of the new courses will be designed for the learning outcomes defined in WP1. The instructional design will be done with the approach of training complex cognitive skills: a four-component instructional design model for technical training (van Merrienboer, 2013). The syllabi will be designed, and content selected following mainly the Elliott’s "action- research" model involving an open-ended spiral process of discussing, negotiating, exploring opportunities, assessing possibilities, examining constraints, designing, testing, implementing, evaluating, improving. The assessment methods and techniques will be defined and tests for each learning unit developed. The preparation of the accreditation will start at this stage with discussions with the academic council at each university. Based on the unique needs and requirements of each Partner HEIs, individual courses and study programs will be developed for each partner HEI.
2.1. Design of the new VET degree in Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy.
2.2. Design of the 6 new courses for existing relevant bachelor study programs.
E-learning courses development and capacity building for staff
This WP aims at performing the instructional design for e-learning courses and developing the learning materials and assessment tests for e-learning courses. Additionally, it aims at the training and capacity building of the relevant staff who will soon after teaching the new courses at Partner HEIs.
3.1. Design, development, and deployment of e-learning courses.
3.2. Capacity building for Partner HEIs teaching staff in micro learning, project-oriented teaching (new teaching methods) and gaming.
3.3. Creation of the ENGINE online platform.
3.4. Creation of the new teaching material for laboratory work.
Quality and evaluation
The aim of this work package is twofold. Firstly, to ensure a high quality of deliverables of the project and its results, and secondly to ascertain the quality of the process and the commitment to develop a sound framework for devising, implementing, and reporting internal and external evaluation activities.
Dissemination and exploitation activities of project results and achievements
On the basis of a valorization and dissemination strategy the project will continuously develop dissemination activities, and this is done as an attempt to increase the number beneficiaries as much as possible as well as assure the sustainability of the achieved impact. In order to achieve such objective, transparent instruments of communication will be used, as well as adequate and timely inclusion of targeted audience for the project. There will be a well-designed Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy, ensuring a smooth roll out of key messages, while synchronizing targeted outreach with project implementation milestones. A variety of communication tools will be used for measuring communication and awareness raising effectiveness.
5.1. Setting up and maintaining the project Web site (including project visual identity – logo).
5.2. Consolidation of Dissemination and Exploitation Strategy.
5.3. Two papers on project activities and results published in relevant scientific magazines and/or presented at relevant international conferences.
Link 1:
Link 2:
5.4. Organizing 4 dissemination events with relevant stakeholders (workshops, info days).
5.5. Final International Project Conference in Tirana.
5.6. Creation of the financial and institutional sustainability strategic plan.
5.7. Sustainable cooperation with labor market.
5.8. Creation of the partner network between all institutions involved in the project.
Project Management and coordination
This WP includes activities such as: prepare and sing partnership agreements with all consortium partners, establish project management structures (steering committee, project teams, advisory boards), organize and manage 6 face-to-face Steering Committee meetings, establish internal communication procedures, prepare project management plan, day-to-day management, and follow-up, monitoring and control, Report to EACEA, etc.
6.1. Steering Committee and Advisory Board establishment.
6.2. Partnership agreements signature and Management Plan.
6.3. Progress and final project report.